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dead point造句

"dead point"是什么意思  
  • Dyno : dynamic movement towards a distant hold , aka dead point
  • Adopting rubber wheel structure for rotating parts , low noise and no dead point the rotating speed is 80 - 140rpm
    转灯传动部分采用国际先进的橡皮靠轮结构,低噪音,无死点。转灯部件转速为80 - 140次/分钟。
  • By means of special designed closely arranged multi . cylinders to meet the irregular contour of shoe sides , ce , 513c can do equalizing side pressing well without dead point . high , top shoe or low , top shoe can be pressed too , with outomaic locating device , very easy to in out shoe , pressure , connection of 2pressing , bars makes pressure even to the outsole without vold
  • By means of special designed closely arranged multi . cylinders to meet the irregular contour of shoe sides , ce , 513c can do equalizing side pressing well without dead point . high , top shoe or low , top shoe can be pressed too , with outomaic locating device , very easy to in out shoe , pressure , connection of 2pressing , bars makes pressure even to the outsole without vold
  • It's difficult to see dead point in a sentence. 用dead point造句挺难的
如何用dead point造句,用dead point造句dead point in a sentence, 用dead point造句和dead point的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。